I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged with my faith and now I'm marrying my dreams.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Will it all work out? Oh and some good news!

I’m baccckkkkk and school is approaching like a freight train on the loose. Even though I haven’t even started; I am ready for it to be over! I was a couch potato for a year. Then, advanced to stay at home mom status for two years. Now, I am a working mom and will soon to be adding college student to my repertoire. 

Oh and yes I did say working mom. I finally found a new job that I kind of like aside from the occasional rude customers and semi lazy co-workers; its not half bad. I even got word that I may be promoted within the next year and I have only been there for 4 months! 4 MONTHS and already in the running to be the next “promoteè”. I feel like I found my calling; I definitely want to do something in retail. Which makes it even better that I decided to go to school for marketing. Since I am AnonyMom I can’t go into too much detail about my work but just know that because of this job things are finally looking up for me.

So lets talk about school. I decided since I am a working mother that I should limit the days I attend school. I picked longer classes so I have a lesser amount of days I need to attend. The fact that I have a 2 hour history class 2 days a week makes me a little uneasy, but no one gets anywhere being a Negative Nancy right? I CAN DO THIS!

One thing that I know I will have a hard time with is not being with my child but I’m curious to find out how I will balance it all out. I’ve always been a person who like a schedule. I have one planned out in my head and want to believe that I can follow it but with a 2 year old running around its doubtful. Wake up… Drop daughter off at daycare… Go workout  … School.. Pick up daughter… Dinner… Bedtime… Study time… Bedtime… REPEAT! Ha who and I kidding! 

I can’t think of anything else to write about so I guess I’ll end it here and check back in a week or two… Maybe a month lol