I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged with my faith and now I'm marrying my dreams.

Monday, February 17, 2014

I Feel the Need to Blog!

Though I am not that great of a writer; I have an urge to blog about my life. I don't have many friends, so I know I won't have a high view count. Which is fine, because I am not creating this for the view count. I simply want to have a place to write down what happens day to day so the future me can look back and see all that I have accomplished as a person.

I guess I should start off with a background story.

I'm not one of those people who like to put themselves out there. I stay to myself and hope things will come to me. Now that I am getting older I am realizing that doesn't happen to many people, me included. At 20 years old and as a young mother, I felt like my future wasn't going to be as bright as I hoped. I dabbled around the thought of going to college but always second guessed my abilities and wimped out. I looked for jobs but nothing stuck in that department either.

I graduated high school in 2011 and moved in with my current boyfriend 2 hours away from my hometown. The plan was to move, get a job and get into school just like most 18 years old. Well that changed when I found out a couple weeks after graduating that I was pregnant. Being young and dumb I decided to put school aside thinking that I would go after I had the baby. 9 months later I gave birth to a baby girl and couldn't get myself to leave her side. When she turned 1 I thought I should do something with my life but I didn't have the right mindset so I backed out.

One day while filling out job applications something clicked in my brain. Why am I putting this much effort into finding a minimum wage job that won't do anything but pay for the gas in my car? Minimum wage isn't going to help support my daughter. Minimum wage isn't going to get me the life I want for myself and my family. I HAVE to go to school. Now my daughter is 2 and I feel like its time to stop beating around the bush and get it done.

Growing up my parents always told me to finish high school; if you are wanting to get anywhere in life you need your high school diploma. In this day and age you need a college degree, majority of people cannot move up in this economy without one. I have always been fascinated with the clothing and make up industry. Just recently I started liking the marketing aspect of it. So Fall of 2014 I will be going to school for business marketing.

This blog will basically consist of how I balance going to school,  being a mom and a girlfriend. It will document all the crazy ups and downs I know I will encounter and how I deal with them.